Blog Universitas Pertamina

Secure File Sharing – How to Keep Confidential Documents Safe

File sharing is the process of moving files from one computer to another. If it is done improperly, it could lead to illegal access to private information or data. This can also expose employees to cybersecurity risks and violations of workplace privacy regulations. There are numerous secure file sharing options available that can ensure confidential files are kept safe.

The most secure method of sharing documents in a secure way is to use encryption. The information shared is unreadable without the encryption key and is only decrypted or read by authorized users. The use of strong passwords can help to prevent unauthorized access. Another option for securing file transfers is to utilize a cloud-based service that provides secure protocols like HTTPS. This ensures that files are encrypted both in transit and when they are in rest and hackers are not able to intercept or alter them.

Many businesses rely on email as their default method of secure transfer of files. It’s important to keep in mind that a majority of emails sent out are not encrypted and may be intercepted. Furthermore, emails may get lost in the mix or even be sent to the wrong recipient. Additionally, emails could be exposed to viruses or malware when downloaded from unsecure public WiFi hotspots.

In addition to the implementation of a secure file transfer solution, businesses must also train employees on safe practices for sharing files. This includes teaching employees to spot common scams in file sharing and phishing scams. It is crucial to keep your software updated as they often patch security holes that hackers can exploit.

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