Blog Universitas Pertamina

How to Prepare for an Online Board Room Meeting

A board room meeting online allows directors to meet at any time with a reliable internet connection. This format of conferencing offers benefits like lower expenses for travel, greater flexibility in time, as well as improved decision-making. It also assists in the regionalization and globalization board members. However, effective meetings require high-quality equipment and the right setting for efficient discussions. It is essential to plan ahead and select the right technology.

A board portal is an online platform featuring collaboration tools such as audio and video conference, secure file storage, and other functionality optimized for different tasks. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface for all kinds of devices and is designed to accommodate multiple languages and profiles of users. It also includes tools that can help you manage administrative tasks, such as task management, meeting agenda and minutes creation, as well as users tracking. Directors can also use it to accelerate workflows and improve performance.

A clear and concise agenda is a way to ensure a successful online boardroom meeting. This will ensure that all participants are well-prepared and on the right track for the meeting. Furthermore, it will stop participants from straying off topic and will ensure that all members have an opportunity to participate in the discussion.

To encourage a productive boardroom meeting online, you must make the remote participants feel a part of the meeting. This can be done by setting up two big screens on each side of the room. They will show “life-size” panes of all participants from remote locations for the duration of the meeting. This will allow them to be part of the conversation as if they were physically present in the room.

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